Author: Shakshi Tripathi
In this article, We will discuss debugging techniques for exploit development. Debugging is an important part of exploit development, as…
Pentest/VAPT Rules of Engagements (RoE) and Best Practices 01. Use one excel spreadsheet workpaper for everyone that should include…
Emoji Deploy Attack Chain An Emoji Deploy Attack Chain is a type of cyber attack that utilizes emoji characters in…
Information security policy Here is an example of an information security policy that outlines the basic principles and guidelines for…
Introduction to Information Security What is Information Security? Information security is the practice of protecting information and information systems from…
Operations Security For Red Teams OPSEC in Military OPSEC Overview OPSEC or Operations Security is a military-based concept which can…
Data Scientists and Machine Learning Engineers are Data Science experts with various range of abilities and obligations. Thus, if you…
Artificial neural networks are one of the main tools utilized in machine learning. As the “neural” part of their name…
Basics of Python Getting Started with Python Python is a broadly used programming language for universally useful programming, made by…