Today I am going to explain in a simple way to install waybackurls in kali Linux So Lets get start then.
- Step 1: open terminal in kali
- Step 2: We need to install go lang , if already you installed you can check by typing “go version ” if not installed then install by typing sudo apt install golang install golang
- Step 3: then after installation we need to install waybackurls now lets install by typing or simply copy paste this command ” go install “
- Step 4: So now we successfully completed all steps now we have to go for bin path and copy that path for local bin
- ls
- cd /go/bin/waybackurls
- cp waybackurls /usr/local/bin
like in the below picture I showed how to do it
Boom!! We did it 🤩
You can confirm by checking any wordlist
Here I checked one wordlist for confirmation
Usage for single domain/url: waybackurls
Usage for multiple domains/urls: cat domains.txt | waybackurls > urls
Thank you for reading this