Hey guys this is TheToySec back again with another Post. In this post we will know some preventive tips to mitigate some common types of personal cyber attacks.
Well there’re some advance techniques which might be difficult to track or prevent, but here are some tips to be secure from these types of attacks.
Tip-1: Don’t click on any suspicious link if you will get from any unknown source. To track or check that link just visit on ‘wheregoes.com‘ and check there. For local URL check without visiting any 3rd party website: ‘https://isc.sans.edu/diary/Taking+Apart+URL+Shorteners/28980‘
Tip-2: Suppose you’re getting an email and maybe it’s looking like coming from an authorized party. So in this case just check spf records, signatures and dkim records by checking on ‘all headers’. In Gmail you can click on ‘show original’ to check it. If spf records are pass and that coming IP or domain is passed then it’s authentic otherwise it’ll be considered as a fake suspicious email.
Tip-3: In case you’re getting any files or documents from unknown sources then just scan it on ‘virustotal.com‘ and ‘hybrid-analysis.com’ And apart from this also use sandbox to knowing the behaviour of those suspicious files or documents.
Tip-4: Change your password frequently and it’ll be better if you’ll use some salt based passwords like ‘J0hn3#9y‘ or passphrases like “RamisGoing$#12” in case if you don’t wish to turn on 2 step, otherwise 2 step and Multiple Factor Authentication are highly recommend to be turned on. You can use Saltthepass for randomly creating password salts and you can use Useapassphrase for randomly creating passphrases.
Tip-5: Never share your unnecessary Personal Information like your geolocation address, Phone number, Social Security Number, Bank accounts and Credit Card numbers to an unknown or untrusted party or individual. Because this could lead to a sensitive Personal Identifiable Information disclosure.
TIP-6: Always update your operating systems and applications frequently.
TIP-7: Make sure you’re prepared to restore or backup the data, because most of the time security breaches happens. SO once it’s lost, you should ensure your important information is backed up frequently on the cloud or a local storage device.
Tip-8: Use anti virus and anti malware in your operating system (Highly recommended for non-tech background).
Tip-9: Don’t download any unwanted softwares, attached files and extensions in your system or browser.
Tip-10: Don’t use Public WI-FI Without VPN, otherwise it can be more easy for an attacker to obtain access to your data on your device.
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